Your Hosts
We’re Mary and Jayne — a healthcare professional duo from different disciplines driving the conversation about total wellness by linking mental and physical health. Join us as we explore perspectives and views of world events and their impact on our total health.
Latest Episode: COVID-19: Health Care Professionals tell their stories
The Collective View spoke with professionals in health care who have been frontline in caring for Covid-19 patients.
Tick Tock.. It’s all about Time!
Check out our latest podcast on time and what it is to our physical and mental health!
The content ties nicely into last weeks discussion on anniversaries!
Find the podcast on all major platforms and download and follow to always be aware and catch the latest from The Collective View!!
#ticktock #time #timeisoftheessence #senseofurgency #timetoheal #healingtakestime #changetakestime #timeandstructure #physicaltime #realityversusexpectation #anniversaries #podcast #newpodcast #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #totalhealth #totalwellness #collectiveview
We recently had a talk on #humantrafficking A delicate subject that impacts our #totalhealth & also needs raised awareness for many reasons (reduce #stigma, #shame, #avoidance, & #blame )
We invite everyone to watch this live IG to help spread awareness which may help promote #healing & #hope
Our guest Dr. Margarita Garcia from A Safe Place, compassionately educated on Human Trafficking as being a “broad spectrum traumatic situation”; meaning that a victim can be anyone, from all walks of life, & be of varied ages.
She shared real case scenarios, which provided great insights into the patience, prayers & levels of compassion involved in this type of work. She educated us on the reality that under no circumstance is a victim ever “a willing participant” and emphasized the following:
· human trafficking is prevalent in the USA
· Victims are frequently unaware of their rights and/or don’t realize they are being exploited
· #domesticviolence and Human Trafficking cases can overlap.
· traffickers are experts at identifying and preying on their victims’ vulnerabilities in order to create dependency
· Parents/caregivers please keep your kids informed, monitor your kid’s friend groups, and teach them red flags to stay safe from becoming victims.
The conversation delved into physical signs of Human Trafficking (Tattoo branding, bruising, STD’s, etc.) that may be observed in a medical visit. Strategies are being designed & implemented in clinical settings to help victims access help in a safer manner.
“I am always amazed that a victim is strong enough to reach out for help, even after being stripped of everything.”-Dr. Margarita Garcia
Below are sites with more facts, education information, & helpful resource links:
Behind the Glory.. the Olympic Scandal.
Join us tonight as we look at the many different angles of this scandal.
Gabrielle Hawkinson @coachgabrielle_onice , a former #usateammember #competitiveiceskater now coach shares her insight and professional thoughts to the topic!
Join it live tonight (2/19) at 8:30p est !!
#olympics2022 #olympics #olympicscandal #iceskater #iceskate⛸ #iceskating #olympicskater #figureskating #figureskating #doping #dopingscandal #kamilavalieva #ioc #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #competition #totalhealth #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #skatingcoach #knowledgeispower #collectiveview
Hi everyone!
Don’t forget, The Collective View also has a podcast, that can be found on all major platforms!!
Here’s the link to the one on Apple!
Check out our latest with our guest Bernie @bernies_wine_stop who shared the science, the art, and of course the total health benefits to wine and so much more!!
We’re raising a glass to your health!! Cheers!!
#podcast #newpodcastepisode #wine #wine🍷 #wineisanart #scienceofwine #historyofwine #allthingswine #winetime #winetime🍷 #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #totalhealth #totalwellness #enjoylife #cheerstoyourhealth #cheers #wineenthusiast #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #knowledgeispower #collectiveview
The Strength of the Journey!
As the Olympics began this week, we’re going to dive into a conversation about the physical and mental rigors competitive athletes go through.
We’re excited to have former competitive ice skater Gabrielle Hawkinson @coachgabrielle_onice and now coach join us for this talk!!
We’re sure to cover the total health and wellness experience!!
#athlete #competitiveathlete #olympics2022 #winterolympics #winterolympics2022 #competition #strength #journey #strengthofthejourney #physicaldemand #training #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #totalhealth #totalwellness #hardworkpaysoffs #knowledgeispower #iceskating #iceskater #skatingcoach #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #collectiveview
Retreat! It’s the pause for your body and mind!
As we settle into 2022, wjth perhaps new goals and dreams, it’s important to sometimes take that pause, clear the mind, reset, align our priorities and be energized for what life has in store for us!!
We’re delving into what a retreat really is with guest Dori of @solunayogaspa and the benefits we gain from a retreat.
Take the pause with us today 1/14 @6p est
.. it will be good for your body and mind!
#bodymind #retreats #pause #refresh #selfcare #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #totalhealth #spaowner #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #knowledgeispower #collectiveview
A happy 2022 to you all!!
It’s so important to remember what we have been through and recognize what we feel and experienced to grow into the future!
It’s not always easy, but if in this present moment we build healthy lives, it will fortify us for the many things life can send our way.
Living healthy is more than our physical health, it’s our mental, emotional, spiritual, social, occupational and intellectual health. It’s total health! And that’s what we are all about @thecollectiveview.co -total health! We constantly strive to bring you informative yet fun pieces that reflect the body mind connection and demonstrate how total health is in every facet of our lives!
Our talks are not just us, but those with experience or expertise of the subject at hand! We want to extend our gratitude to all of them for sharing their knowledge and time with us too!!
Please check out our IG talks and many recaps we have with additional resources along with our podcast!!!
Cheers to a healthy, happy 2022 to you all!!
#newyear #2022 #happy2022
#totalhealth #physicalhealth #emotionalhealth #spiritualhealth #mentalhealth #intellectualhealth #bodymindconnection #knowledgeispower #livehealthy #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #podcast #collectiveview
The Sounds of the Holidays!!
We often say, stop and breathe, but what about stop and listen this holiday season!
Join us for what’s sure to be a lively and informative conversation on holiday music and as always how it can affect our total health!!
Listen and join at 9p today 12/23!!
#holidaymusic #music #stopandlisten #hearthemusic #soundsoftheholidays #holidayseason #christmascarols #christmascarol #christmassongs #songsfortheholidays #musicforyoursoul #musicforyourhealth #totalhealth #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #musician #collectiveview
Animals.. the gift of adoption during the holiday season!!
Pets truly are a gift that keeps on giving!! Join the conversation with our return guest Trish @squish125 a #nursepractitioner who is fostering stray rescue puppies!!
#pets #petadoption #dogsarefamily #petsarefamily #strayrescue #fosterdog #compassion #dedication #petsforlife #petsforyourhealth #totalhealth #physicalandmentalhealth #knowledgeispower #clinicalnursespecialist #mentalhealthcounselor #collectiveview
You’re gut, specifically your gut health is so very important to your total health!!
We had a great IG talk on this with our guest Jaclyn @jacklooski a #clinicalnursespecialist who has a passion for #guthealth
She explained the #bodymindconnection with the gut. 75% of serotonin is created in the gut!
GI symptoms and complaints have been on the rise the past year snd half.. not a huge surprise given the increase levels of stress, anxiety and depression society has experienced as a whole. But beyond the physical symptoms -#irritablebowel #diarrhea #constipation or #nausea the difference is seen at a cellular level!
Besides a #healthydiet being a great way to regulate your gut health, #probiotics were discussed at length and Jaclyn broke it all down for us!
-we have thousands of bacteria in our gut, so seek out an expert or somebody who knows the product well when you select one
-some are temperature sensitive, so careful of storage!
-you will likely feel worse initially (called the die-off process) as you are essentially repopulating your gut but this is part of the process.. the #processofwellness !!
Jaclyn herself is an ambassador of a company called Plexus @plexusworldwide if you’re interested in learning more!! Check out her site for great products and info for this!
We talked about so much more too, especially about being in tuned to your body-including your poop! Your #poop s consistency, color and how frequently you go can be reflective of your #physicalandmentalhealth !
What else did we talk about?! Fecal transplants, medicines and our gut, and how sugar really alters how we eat and changes our entire health!
Listen to the entire #funandinformative conversation to learn more!
#eatwellfeelwell #gihealth #guthealthmatters
#poopmatters #poop💩 #fecaltransplant #sugaroverload #totalhealth #collectiveview