Jayne Jaramillo
Jayne is a board certified clinical nurse specialist and has spent the majority of her nearly 20 years as a nurse in the emergency department (ED), which she claims as her jam! Her interest in total health has been a part of her life for many years as she is an avid runner with a few marathons and halves under her belt and strives to be a healthy “foodie”! In seeing numerous mental health patients in the emergency department, it inspired Jayne to join forces with a mental health counselor to create The Collective View and promote total health for all.
In addition to the ED, she has been involved with education for a medical devise company and has always enjoyed teaching. Beyond nursing, she is a mom of twins and a black Labrador, Jazzy! Her hobbies besides running includes playing the piano and discovery new foods and wines of the world!

Mary Jaramillo Mangia
Mary Jaramillo Mangia is a Florida Board Certified Licensed Mental Health Counselor trained in adult and geriatric counseling services that treat mental, behavioral, or emotional disorders and impact on daily functioning.
With over 24 years experience, Mary has been providing direct counseling support and educational training for patients with early stage dementia and mild cognitive Impairment, and their caregivers. She is passionate about patient advocacy with specific focus on the underserved chronically mentally ill, adolescents, elderly, veterans, and homeless populations. Mary is a member of the American Psychotherapy Association and the American Counseling Association.
Mary is raising two awesome kids (three, if you include her husband) in Miami, Florida. She enjoys biking, working out and driving hundreds of miles to spend time with family.